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Humanize my Hoodie

The Racial and Economic Justice Committee of the Minnesota AFL-CIO sponsored a Humanize My Hoodie workshop on August 10th. At least 7 retirees were among the 54 participants in the online training on Zoom.


Debunking the myth of Black criminality is the mission of the Humanize My Hoodie Movement which developed the workshop. The three-hour session’s aim was to equip participants with knowledge and tools to fight for racial justice and against racist attacks on Black people, Indigenous People, and other People of Color.  The training included short videos, remarks by the moderator Seema Pothini, and breakout discussions among participants. Topics included implicit and explicit bias, how to identify micro-aggressions, debunking myths of Black criminality, and skills to effectively advocate for someone from a marginalized community. 


State Retiree Council President Emeritus Dan Mikel says that one take-away from the training for him is that we should see other people’s color. “That’s who they are. We don’t have to be color-blind.” Another retiree, Fred Smith said he appreciated the opportunity to participate in the workshop and found it very moving. “I learned not only in my head but in my heart,” he said.


For a flavor of the workshop, check out this 5 Tips to be an Ally video:


If your organization is interested in holding a Humanize My Hoodie workshop, you can contact the organization at


The Minnesota AFL-CIO is also looking at making use of elements of the National AFL-CIO’s “Talking about Racial and Economic Justice Toolkit (


Stay tuned.




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