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State Retiree Council Officers, left to right: Russ Thornell, Treasurer; Louise Sundin, Vice President; Charlie Rike, Corresponding Secretary; Mary Sansom, Recording Secretary; Ken McInnis, President.

The Minnesota State Retiree Council, AFL-CIO, is the umbrella organization of union retiree clubs and local unions with retirees.  It provides retired union members and spouses official representation within the Minnesota AFL-CIO and enables retired trade unionists to speak with a unified voice on public policy issues.  The Council works with affiliated organizations to coordinate joint activities.  For more details on the structure and governance, select from these options:


  • Union retiree organizations and local unions, including retirees, affiliate with the State Council. 

  • Every affiliate is entitled to a member on the Board of Directors and to send delegates to conventions and conferences.  Officers and board members are elected by these delegates.

  • The Board meets ten times each year. They plan activities to achieve convention priorities. See strategic plan for details.

  • The Council is an affiliate of the Minnesota AFL-CIO and is entitled to delegates and alternates to state federation conventions.

  •  Retirees, through the Council, further participate by having the Retiree Council President serve as a Minnesota AFL-CIO Vice President.  For more details, see the By-Laws.

Affiliates & Affiliation Form

Find the list of all our affilates here. And if your organization wants to affiliate with the Minnesota Retiree Council, AFL-CIO, you'll find an affiliation form here.

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