Our Bylaws
1 Name........................................................................................ 2
2 Purpose..................................................................................... 2
3 Affiliation with Minnesota AFL-CIO............................................... 3
4 Composition of the State Retiree Council..................................... 3
5 Annual Fees............................................................................... 3
6 By-Laws.................................................................................... 4
7 Conventions, Conference and Meeting to Elect Board Members...... 4
8 Representation and Voting at Conventions and Board Member
Elections................................................................................... 5
9 Council Board Members - Eligibility.............................................. 6
10 Officers and Board Members - Selection....................................... 6
11 Duties of Officers....................................................................... 7
12 Board of Directors...................................................................... 8
13 Removal of Officers and Members of the Board of Directors........... 9
14 Vacancies.................................................................................. 9
15 Delegates to Minnesota AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention........... 9
16 Expenditures........................................................................... 10
17 Financial Practices, Reports and Audits...................................... 10
18 Conformance with the Policies of the AFL-CIO............................ 11
19 Political Activity....................................................................... 11
20 Organizing............................................................................... 11
21 Collective Bargaining................................................................ 11
22 Lists........................................................................................ 11
23 Publications and Advertising..................................................... 12
24 Involvement with Commercial and Non-Profit Enterprises........... 12
25 Grants and Financial Awards..................................................... 12
26 Dissolution.............................................................................. 13
27 Amendments........................................................................... 13
28 Address................................................................................... 13
This organization shall be known as the Minnesota State Retiree Council, AFL-CIO. Hereinafter referred to as the “Council”.
< >PURPOSEThe purpose of this organization shall be:< >To further the objectives of the trade union movement and to better the conditions of working men and women and their families by providing retired trade unionists with a means of supporting and assisting the AFL-CIO and its affiliated labor organizations in their efforts to organize workers and bring them into the trade union movement, to secure better wages, hours, and working conditions through collective bargaining, and to obtain legislation and other government actions that will safeguard the principles of free collective bargaining and social and economic justice for all workers.To develop programs designed to promote among retired union members, and their families, registration and voting as well as participation in the political action programs and community service programs of the AFL-CIO and its affiliated labor organizations.To educate the communities in which retired trade unionists and their families reside about the purposes of the trade union movement and the needs, interests, and views of retired union members.To provide a means by which the interests and views of retired trade unionists and their families can be better represented within the trade union movement and within the larger community.To assure that retired trade unionists be able to remain informed of the programs, policies and activities of the AFL-CIO and its affiliated labor organizations and of the social, political, and economic developments which affect the trade union movement and the interests of working men and women.To provide retired trade unionists and their families with opportunities for social, cultural, recreational, educational, and other activities through which they can continue their participation in the trade union movement, and thereby, to promote and preserve the spirit of trade unionism among retired unionists and their families.To provide support and encouragement to retired trade unionists and their families seeking to organize clubs and councils of retired AFL-CIO trade unionists.To enable local councils and clubs of retired AFL-CIO trade unionists to coordinate their activities within this state and provide representation for them within the Minnesota AFL-CIO. AFFILIATION WITH MINNESOTA AFL-CIOThis Council shall be affiliated with the Minnesota AFL-CIO, and shall pay such affiliation fees as are required by such State Central Body. This Council shall not affiliate with any other organization other than the Minnesota AFL-CIO without the written permission of the President of the Minnesota AFL-CIO.
a. Affiliation with the Council shall be open, upon payment of such fees as may be required by the By-Laws of the Council, to all local retiree councils and local at-large retiree clubs affiliated with AFL-CIO local central bodies and/or area or regional labor federations within this state. Region-wide and statewide retiree organizations established by AFL-CIO affiliates are also eligible for affiliation.
< >Labor retiree organizations not affiliated with the AFL-CIO representing union members that have a constitution and/or bylaws; that are dedicated to the principles of the Minnesota AFL-CIO; and, have a membership of at least twenty-five (25) members are also eligible for affiliation, with approval of the Council Board and of the Minnesota AFL-CIO President, upon payment of such fees as may be required by the By-laws of the Council.This Council shall have the power to suspend or expel any organization affiliated with it upon conviction, after charges, notice and hearing, of having engaged in conduct or a course of activity hostile or contrary to the best interests of the council or contrary to the Council’s By-Laws.ANNUAL FEESEach retiree organization that is affiliated with this Council shall pay an annual fee based on the following scale:
Affiliated Membership
Annual Fee
1–25 members
26–50 members
51–75 members
76–100 members
101–250 members
251–500 members
500+ members
Retiree organizations affiliating with this Council for the first time shall pay a prorated share of the appropriate fee based on the number of months remaining in the fee period at the time the organization is affiliated.
< >BY-LAWSAll actions of this Council shall be governed by these By-Laws. The By-Laws of the Council shall at all times be consistent with the Constitutions of the AFL-CIO and the Minnesota AFL-CIO, as well as any applicable rules of the AFL-CIO. These By-Laws and any amendments to these By-Laws shall be subject to the approval of the President of the Minnesota AFL-CIO.
< >CONVENTIONS, CONFERENCE and MEETING TO ELECT BOARD MEMBERS REPRESENTATION AND VOTING AT CONVENTIONS AND BOARD MEMBER ELECTIONSThe number of votes to which an affiliated retiree organization shall be entitled shall be based on such organization’s average membership as determined by the organization’s fee payments for the most recent assessment period. The average membership of an organization affiliated for less than the prescribed period shall be computed from the month of affiliation and shall be determined by dividing the total fee paid for all months affiliated by the number of months affiliated or by the number of months in the prescribed period, whichever is greater.Convention and Board Member Election representation shall be as follows:
Affiliated Membership
Number of Delegates
Determination of delegates, alternates or representatives is based upon the affiliation fee each group pays to the Council. Affiliated organizations are also entitled to an equal number of alternate delegates and they are encouraged to attend and participate. Proposed rules grant alternates speaking but not voting privileges.
< >Each affiliated organization shall be eligible to cast a minimum of one vote and thereafter one (1) additional vote for every 50 members up to five (5) votes, and one (1) additional vote for every 200 additional members up to (5) additional votes. The votes of an affiliated organization shall be divided equally among all of its accredited delegates, and each delegate shall be entitled to cast only her/his assigned votes, except that one delegate may be permitted to cast all of the votes of the delegates of her/his organization if authorized to do so.A roll call vote may be demanded on any pending question by 30 percent of the delegates present and voting at any meeting of the Council. Roll call votes may be conducted orally or by written ballot, provided that each ballot shows the name, organization, and number of votes of the delegates casting the ballot. All written ballots shall be preserved by the Council for a period of not less than six (6) months.The Presidents of the AFL-CIO, and the Minnesota AFL-CIO, or their designees shall have the right to participate, and have a voice, in all Council activities, meetings and deliberations.The Council may, at its discretion, choose to allow the state or regional retiree organization of an AFL-CIO affiliate to be represented at a convention or Board Member Election by a single delegate-at-large with one vote.Council officers and board members shall be delegates of the succeeding convention or Board Member Election with all the privileges of the floor and the right to vote. COUNCIL BOARD MEMBERS - ELIGIBILITYAn individual must be a member, in good standing, of an affiliated organization in order to be eligible to serve as a Board member of the Council.
< >The officers of the Council shall consist of the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. The officers shall serve as the Executive Committee with duties as defined by the Board of Directors.There will be an election in odd-numbered years to fill the positions of the five officers and those additional board members whose terms have expired. The balance of additional board members shall be elected by the Council Convention or Board Member Election in even-numbered years. All retired Minnesota AFL-CIO Executive Officers and past presidents of the Council shall be designated to serve as voting Lifetime members of the Board of Directors.DUTIES OF OFFICERSpreside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, conventions, conferences and Board Member Election(s);oversee the day-to-day operation of the Council;serve as a representative to the Minnesota AFL-CIO Executive Board; and,perform such other duties as are assigned by the Council, acting through its Board of Directors or its convention.
The Vice President shall:
< >assist the President; andshall perform such other duties as are assigned by the President, or by the Council, acting through its Board of Directors or its convention.In the event of the President’s absence or incapacity, the Vice President shall temporarily assume the duties of the President. In the event of the resignation or permanent vacancy in the office of the President the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President for the remainder of the President’s unexpired term.The Recording Secretary shall:< >be responsible for keeping and making available accurate records of the proceedings of all meetings;be the keeper of all records of the organization to be maintained in the organization’s office; andperform such other duties as are assigned by the president, the Board of Directors and the Convention.
The Corresponding Secretary shall:
< >be responsible for keeping and making available records of all correspondence for the Council;draft correspondence on behalf of the Council at the direction of the President;perform such other duties as are assigned by the President, the Board of Directors and the convention.
The Treasurer shall:
< >be responsible for providing a detailed financial report to the Board of Directors and the Convention; receive and give receipt for all monies of the Council and deposit such funds in an account in a bank or banks selected by the Board of Directors;have the authority to co-sign checks for such purposes as required by these By-Laws or authorized by a majority vote of the Council or the Board of Directors;prepare and file all information, forms, and reports which the organization is required to file; andperform such other duties as are assigned by the President, the Board of Directors, or the Convention. The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the Council except when the conventions are in session. All matters affecting the policies, aims, and means of accomplishing the purposes of the Council not specifically provided for in these By-Laws or by action of the Convention shall be decided by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall meet at the call of the President or of a majority of the members of the Board of Directors. A report on all actions taken by the Board of Directors shall be made to the next following Convention.
A majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall be required for a quorum.
The Council, acting through its Board of Directors or Convention, may vote to suspend or remove any officer or any member of the Board of Directors on written charges, notice, and hearing for violation of these By-Laws, the Constitution of the AFL-CIO, the Constitution of the Minnesota AFL-CIO, or any applicable AFL-CIO rules or for conduct unbecoming an Officer or member of the Board of Directors of the Council, misappropriation of funds, malfeasance of office or neglect of duty.
In the event of the death, resignation, or removal of an officer or a member of the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors may elect or appoint a successor to serve the remaining term of that officer or member of the Board of Directors.
The Council shall elect up to three (3) delegates and three (3) alternates to the Minnesota AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention, as provided for in the Constitution of the Minnesota AFL-CIO.
The Council may elect these delegates from among the membership of the Board of Directors. Nomination and election for the position of delegate/alternate shall be conducted at the Board meeting in the month of June in the year in which there is a Minnesota AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention.
Written notification of the nomination and election of delegates/alternates shall be provided to the Board of Directors at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting at which the election is to occur.
The agenda for the meeting of the Board of Directors when the election is conducted shall include a special order of business for the purpose of conducting said election.
The election of delegates to the Minnesota AFL-CIO Constitutional Convention shall be conducted first, followed by the election of alternates.
The election of delegates shall be conducted by secret ballot unless the number of nominees is equal to or less than the number of delegates permitted in which case the Secretary of the Board shall be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for the nominees.
The election of alternates shall be conducted by secret ballot in the same manner as the election of delegates. The number of votes received shall determine the ranking of alternates. The Board of Directors shall resolve any tie in the election of alternates.
< >The funds of the Council shall be expended only pursuant to authorization by the Council, acting through its Convention or Board of Directors, and shall be used only for the legitimate expenses of this Council, and in furtherance of the objectives of this Council and of the AFL-CIO. No part of the net earnings or assets of the Council shall be used for the benefit of or be distributable to the members of its Board of Directors, its Officers, delegates or other private persons, except that the Council shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services actually rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Section 2 herein.The President, with the consent of the Treasurer and one other officer of the Council, may spend up to a maximum amount established by the Board of Directors, without prior approval from the Board, provided that such expenditure be in furtherance of the objectives of the Council and of the AFL-CIO and be reported to the Board at it’s next meeting following the expenditure.The Council shall follow such financial practices and keep such records as shall be prescribed by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Minnesota AFL-CIO to ensure that its funds are safeguarded and expended only for authorized purposes. This Council shall turn over all books, records, accounts, and information of the Council, including any welfare, retirement, or other beneficial plan of the Council, to which it is a party, to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Minnesota AFL-CIO, or to the duly authorized representative, on an annual basis.
The Treasurer of the Council shall cause an independent compilation by a Certified Public Accountant to be made of the Council’s books, records, funds, and accounts on an annual basis and shall submit a written report of such compilation to the Council. The Council shall retain for a period of not less than seven (7) years, all books, accounts, and records of its financial transactions.
All officers shall be bonded.
The Council shall conform its activities, including all legislative and political endorsements of any local, state or federal candidates, to the policies and endorsement of the AFL-CIO and the Minnesota AFL-CIO.
This Council shall develop a political program designed to encourage members of affiliated organizations to participate in the COPE programs of local central bodies, area labor councils and regional labor federations, the Minnesota AFL-CIO and the AFL-CIO.
No funds of this Council shall be used to make political contributions to, or expenditures on behalf of, any candidate for local, state, or federal office; to make political contributions to or expenditures on behalf of any political party or political committee; or to establish, administer or maintain a separate, segregated fund (“PAC”).
The Council shall lend all possible assistance to the organizing activities of local unions and their parent national or international unions and all organizing committees affiliated with the AFL-CIO, as requested by, or with the approval of, the Minnesota AFL-CIO.
The Council shall not take part in any collective bargaining activities or in any labor dispute involving any local union except upon the request or consent of the Minnesota AFL-CIO, or in the case of a labor dispute involving a local union directly affiliated with the AFL-CIO, except upon the request or with the consent of the President of the AFL-CIO.
All lists of members of the Council in the possession of the Council shall be used exclusively in carrying out the authorized programs of the Council and shall not be released to any person or organization for any other purpose unless such release has been authorized by the officers of the Council and the officers of the affiliated local retiree club involved.
Not less than 30 days nor more than 120 days prior to an election of the Council officers, the Council shall compile and notify each affiliated organization of the availability of a list containing the following information:
< >the name and mailing address of each of the Council’s officers;the name and mailing address of each of the organizations affiliated with the Council;the name of each of the affiliated organization’s principal officer;each organization’s projected voting strength and delegate entitlement; andto the extent available, the names and mailing addresses of the delegates who will be entitled to vote in the election.This Council shall not be associated in any way with a so-called “labor” advertising board, or with a yearbook or labor directory that accepts commercial advertising in any way. All publications produced or endorsed by the Council will conform to the provisions of Rule 22 of the AFL-CIO Rules Governing Local Central Councils and with the Statement on Ethical Trade Union Standards for Publications Owned or Endorsed by State and Local Central Labor Councils of the AFL-CIO in the same manner as if the Council were an AFL-CIO local central council.
This Council shall conform its practices to the Policy on involvement of Central Councils with Commercial and Non-Profit Enterprises, adopted by the Executive Council of the AFL-CIO, as if this Council were a central labor council. Accordingly, this Council shall not endorse, or engage in, or be involved with a commercial enterprise or non-profit organization unless such participation has been approved by the President of the Minnesota AFL-CIO.
This Council shall not apply for any grants or financial awards from federal, state or local government agencies, foundations or non-profit organizations, or any other person, without the written approval of the President of the Minnesota AFL-CIO.
In the event of dissolution of this Council, all funds, properties, books, and assets of this body shall revert to the AFL-CIO and shall, upon demand, be turned over to a duly authorized representative of the President of the Minnesota AFL-CIO. This Council shall not disband or dissolve except with the approval of the President of the Minnesota AFL-CIO.
These By-Laws may be amended, subject to the approval of the President of the Minnesota AFL-CIO or a duly authorized representative, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Council, acting through its Convention. Written notice conveying copies of the proposed By-Law amendments, must be given to all affiliated organizations at least thirty (30) days in advance of the Convention.
The official address of the Minnesota State Retiree Council, AFL-CIO, shall be 175 Aurora Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55103.