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Whereas: A fast-growing fraud industry is stealing billions of dollars from Minnesota consumers every year. The impact is profound, especially on older adults who are at a stage in their lives when they are least able to recover financially.


Whereas: Criminals keep devising new, hard-to-detect ways to steal identities, billions in money and more, seniors and their families need to be empowered to identify and avoid fraud attempts that may cause financial and emotional hardships.


Whereas: new and emerging scams, as well as older tactics still in play, include: online shopping, gift cards, package delivery, Charity, celebrity impostors, check washing, and employment fraud;


Whereas: Nobody is immune to fraud, which is growing more pervasive and sophisticated. Fraud victims deserve the dignity and sympathy we grant people who experience other kinds of crimes;


Now therefore be it resolved:  While there are limited options for recovering funds lost to scams, the DFL urges Minnesota lawmakers to create a Consumer Fraud Restitution Fund at the state level. This fund will give fraud victims the chance to recover financially by allowing the MN Attorney General to sue fraudsters and direct the penalty money they pay into a restitution fund. This money will be used to pay victims who would otherwise have had no hope of recovering their losses.



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